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Managing Projects and Teams While Working Remotely

One of the biggest struggles that many project management executives face while working remotely is managing their projects and teams. In some cases, these project managers are faced with the struggle of ensuring the productivity of individuals who are new to remote work and under less than ideal circumstances.

Thankfully, PMware provides a variety of tools that allow teams to function, see productivity goals, deadlines, and updates, and ensure project completion in a timely manner. Below are outlined some of the key features of project management software that allow teams to operate efficiently, even while working remotely.

Project Visibility Through Dashboards

Teams may find it hard to collaborate together remotely as it is much more difficult to see the overall outcome of a project, the project progress, and other vital information while completing work remotely. Through the utilization of the PPM platform, however, teams are able to see in real-time the project goals, deadlines, and progress through team and personalized dashboards. Leaders are able to push out updates, provide data, and perform essential management tasks through these dashboards as well.

Provide Individuality with a Team Mentality

Working remotely can seem almost entirely isolating. While some teammates may struggle with completing projects and tasks in a timely manner while working from home, there are tools integrated into PRware that allow teammates to see their own progress, prioritize their own tasks, and set their own goals. This provides teammates with the ability to efficiently determine what tasks need to be accomplished on a daily and weekly basis to ensure timely turnaround for a project, even under these circumstances.

Provide Communication and Data Insights

Teams are often going to struggle the most working remotely when it comes to communication expectations. Often, project teams are accustomed to working closely with each other - therefore, remote work may cause certain complications. Utilizing key features, such as real-time data monitoring, however, allows project managers to determine what steps need to be taken to complete projects and what avenues of communication need to be utilized, even when person to person contact should be limited for health and safety reasons.

Create Outstanding Deliverables

At the end of the day, the primary role of a project manager is to ensure that deliverables are met. It is, therefore, important to ensure all members of your team are performing and that information and deliverables are gathered, centralized, and ready to be presented to your client. With project management software, it is possible to manage teams, both locally and remotely, monitoring progress and providing timely status updates, and allowing each member to determine which contributions should take priority on a day to day basis.

While it may seem overwhelming to manage projects and teams remotely, with software such as PMware, you are able to streamline tasks and provide a deliverable that astounds your clients.